Orange Rose and Potato

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start Orange Rose and Potato

I always loved to draw and paint. Ever since I can remember, I always said that I want to be a painter or artist. As growing up little details of dream changed like any other kids. One point, it was animator, then illustrator and so on... Then, I finally went to college for fine art and from there I learned graphic design and pursued "new dream"

Working as a graphic designer I had so much fun with creating different images. But I couldn't stop thinking of what if I had kept on going with my favorite mediums.. watercolor, pencils, the age of digital it seems doesn't have much future. Even myself, I thought computer was way to go to continue my dream. Although eventually, I learned what I thought it was only way to do is not the only way. And my turning point came as my husband remind my courage.

My "Orange Rose" and "Potato" 

Always thought of changing career path, but it wasn't easy. It was scary, uncertain...But my husband reminded me how happy I would be to work on something I love to do.. The phrase is not something very new or you never heard of. Actually we probably hear of that kind of it often and always want it to be true, but something we never know if we can do it and that wonderer was me. But this time, I decided. With my husband's support and courage, I decided to open up Orange Rose and Potato, to do something I love.